For the past few years, we've assigned a motto to each year. A theme, which can manifest itself as a resolution for the next year, a prediction or sometimes a description for the year as it's unfolding. It can be an ironic observation, or a change or improvement we'd like to see/participate in for ourselves. Correction, truthfully, I don't even know if we can take credit for these. The year really chooses a name for itself. We just identify at what point it becomes undeniable that the year has done this. We feel out where everyone's at in this 'life of an artist' thing we embark on together as a joyful family of such people and a sort of general status emerges, or a median, and after enough deliberation under the influence of talent juice and other creative stimulation, hilarity ensues, like it do. And we laugh and laugh and rejoice and make it offisch. Based off of feelings, conversations, musings and ambitions for the next commemorative pressing of the national theoretical reset button. Once chosen, we call upon it frequently during rants, cheers, pep talks and other necessary moments in time.
In 09, it happened in February. We were making awesome silly homemade ROCKIN' anti-Valentines to hand out to the band, our friends and some to leave on the tables as band propaganda for perspective fans at the Pie Boys' gig at L.I.C Bar 2/14/09 (where they debuted this song)
Using index cards, construction paper, sharpees, glitter pens and those crazy scissors that cut and leave a border design(!) we adorned them each with original and personalized designs and sayings, while very high, and watching Coming to America!
Some of my favorites were;
I <3 the Band
I <3 my Weed Guy
Love is Dead. Long Live ROCK!
Condoms are expensive, Let's just be friends!
I like your face from the left side.
My cat thinks you're sexy.
I like your sparkly blue eyes.
HEY! --> (I'm not with this guy)
FRIENDS! (go down on each other, right?)
...and many others! (that I can't remember)
*** UPDATE*** (Found the old journal)
Suck it, Love!
Sorry, I'm taken! (Unless you're a musician...)
"No More Bullshit Tour 09".
It was about 1/3 of the way through 2010, during/after March Madness we appropriately realized, for better or for worse, in terms of how we viewed this year like it was a room we were trapped in ever swiftly filling up with an unidentified, possibly toxic, liquid substance we were hilariously "Balls Deep in Twenty-ten". That realization was solidified when we experienced the double-entendre of the phrase's initial intention, which referred to how hard we were gonna roll into this year.
As for 2011, I think there is an overwhelming vision looming of artistic revolution. That is certainly true of myself, and it seems, all my magical lady friends. Everyone's pumped. Everyone's ready. It's happening now. now. now! It's time to turn the adoration and affection for talented boys and other rock stars inward. I suspect it will do me more good that way than it has so far. Believe in ME! Support for ME! Success for ME! This is the year we all get it together and make it happen, but this time for REALSIES. It's a reinvention on a motto of yesteryear. And it's about damn time. After all, everything good needs replacing. 2011;
OTHER 2011 alias'
ReplyDeleteKira: 2011; where i get mine.
Liz: 2011. get it.